Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things just keep getting worse

Today, hasn't been a good day in the overall land of Stephen's issues with health and school.

First, we get a call saying that in three days we will meet at his new middle school for a transitional meeting to discuss the changes from grade school to middle school.

Hello!! 3 days notice. Hello again!! We don't want him to go to middle school and it's not the normal fears. My son has learning disabilities that make school a bigger challenge than the average Joe. I told the resource teacher that I hadn't received any times on a conference.

His teacher calls and says that she gave my son the information but it never came back. I never got anything. We get into an heated arguement about my sons process and why we don't want to buy an expensive calculator when he doesn't even get the basic math. She says that she doesn't believe us that my son spends hours sitting at the table. Also, that he isn't turning homework in. She said that my son is playing us being reading more than he needs to because he just can't put the book down. I personally would rather him read than do a bunch of converting numbers that he doesn't have a clue.

I keep saying to friends that you can read me a chapter on brain surgery and give me the tools but would you give me your brain to operate on? Hell no.. It's just busy work.

I told her how he has been ordered by a doc to thin down some and to be more active and the homework interferes with this plan and she basically shrugged it off as all young boys are fat and then thin down.

My husband and I have decided to see the principal and if she feeds of the same line of bull that we can't hold him back.. We are going to considering fighting them. In my district, no teacher has permission to hold anyone back. Just push them on through and out. It makes me feel like if these so called experts have to listen to crap like that and they have no say so then how do I know that there words of encouragement are even real. After all, they get rid of him after this year. It doesn't help that because of budget cuts that my sons school is on the list of 7 schools that could be shut down.

Today, my son is having a hard time with the runny nose and coughing. He has a horrible habit of sniffing instead of blowing which could land a bunch of junk in your sinuses and ears. Before the Doc, my son wasn't having symptoms but now he is at it again. It is better now that he is on his allergy pill again. He goes back to the Doc in one week from today. We haven't heard anything back from the Xray. It will also be interesting to see if he has lost any weight or not. I would be satisfied if it's only a pound or two.

Well, I better go now. I like writing this stuff down. It's releases some stress for me.

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