Monday, February 21, 2011

My son still coughs everyday but it's not very much. I don't even hear him at night. So, that is very good. Tonight, he went to volunteer with me to help with the children and he was coughing quite a bit. Is coughing a sign of an asthma attack? Also, if it's asthma acting up.. then I am thinking exercised induced and that could mean that it's not pet induced. I hope this doesn't make me a bad mom that it not being animals make me feel good. Of course, I am not a doc so I don't know if this is the case. He doesn't get to go until March 14th.

Today, was a bad day for eating. We had fattening cinnamon rolls for breakfast and pizza hut for dinner. I hope that it helps that I only allowed us to eat fruit for lunch.

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