We did two nights of cough meds so that my son could sleep instead of cough.
Now, we have made it through two more nights without cough meds. We just been giving him the meds that the doc said to give but haven't seen an use for the inhaler in almost a week.
We can't see the doc until March 14th but I put in a call to hear from the doc to see if there is anything on the xray.
Last night, we found time for the Y even though that meant him staying up until 9 pm. I made him walk for 30 mins and then to go play in the adventure area. He told me he was just going to lay around because he was tired.
However, I knew if I stayed gone long enough he would play. So, I walked another ten minutes or so and then I took my shower and sat in the sauna and read my book. When I found him he was playing with a kid. He said that this kid was from his old school and they were playing because they were both in favor of the others school closing. Right now, it's a chance that some of the schools will close and it's a toss up between the two schools. So, my son said it was on! It was so cute.
I know some people might not agree with me for forcing exercise on him, but I don't care. When it's summer, I probably won't have to do that because he will go play. Well, I hope he will go play.
We went to my sisters so she could scan a picture for me and she has a scale so I weighed him and it's showing a 6lb weight loss but I don't know if it's accurate or not.
Then, we came home and had dinner. I remembered the green beans that we been meaning to cook and he actually asked for more. I find the frozen kind so much more appealing than the canned stuff.
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