I gave in a bought a cheap home scale. It's made me very confused.
My youngest son it says he weighs 128 lbs... no confusion there.
My oldest son said he weighs 180 lbs on it and that is the same as when he was at the Doc's last.
My husband weighs 140 lbs and he thinks that it's 20 lbs off for him but when he weighed a 20 lb back of dog food it was right.
The real confusion starts with me. It says that I weigh 220 lbs. The Y scales says I weigh 266 lbs. Am I not understanding how to weigh myself there? So, if it's true then I am much lighter than I thought. I had thought that I was near 300 lbs last spring and then lost 40 lbs. That would mean that I was at 260 lbs and lost 40 lbs. So confused.
I did go to this church and paid 65.00 so we can get some groceries. The website is here. I am hoping this will just make our lives more simple. It's put a bit of a strain on us because I had to pay for it and it will be another week before we get the actual food. But we will make it.
I have been doing more cooking lately and my husband said that he has finally getting the wife that he has been wanting. lol Tomorrow, I am going to try to make some homemade soup.
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