Monday, February 7, 2011

No word from my sons chest Xray yet. He had it on Wednesday night and I would think that by now someone has read the report and would have called if there was a problem. It's only been two business days though.

We are doing ok with the new food habits. We still need to work more veggies and fruits into his daily routine. We have cut calories by him taking an 100 calorie granola bar for snack time instead of a 200 calorie pack of crackers. He is getting zero to very little juice during the day. He gets milk at dinner, but he isn't really willing to drink water. I am worry that he isn't getting enough fluids that his body needs.

We are changing his allergy pill to something he takes after school so it's the most effective when he is sleeping in bed. He still has some running nose at times but seems to be doing better. He has a horrible habit of sniffing the snot back up his nose and this is where the sinus and ear infections can arise. Well, that is what the doc told me.

He hasn't gotten any official exercise but he has been going outside some, but I don't know if lying in the snow counts for burning calories. He still hasn't had any cookies, candy or other sweets.

I am going to seriously try to take him to the YMCA once or twice a week so he do some walking,swimming or playing. In order to do this, we might have to start letting him stay up to 9 pm instead of 8 pm.


  1. I do not know if this will work for your son or not. I hate plain water. I do love diet coke and I know that is not the best thing for me. Every night I make a pitcher of crystal lite. It is about 5 calories per glass and it gets me the water I need. It also encourages my kids to drink more other than just juice.

  2. Thanks I will keep the crystal light into consideration.
