I have been trying to find the right balance in getting myself to the Y alone and bringing my son. Sometimes, I bring him but I don't watch him do whatever he is doing. As of right now, I don't want him doing any cardio or strength training unless I can be in the room because they are allowing him to be there before he is of the age that they say they must be.
Tonight, I devoted my time to him but I didn't hover. I did ten minutes on the stair stepper and I seen that he was on the elliptical. He didn't last the ten minutes on there but he moved over to a bike and did about 20 minutes. We then did some strength training which I really dislike being in that room with mostly men.
I weighed him. I hope that doing it about monthly or maybe even bi weekly doesn't make him feel bad. He weighed 150 lbs which is one pound more than the doctor's scale a month ago. I think overall that is pretty good. He is still a growing boy so I suppose we are going to see gains.